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Wonder Working Faith

Obviously, the Wonder Woman bandwagon has been huge. I’ve seen post after post about how amazing the movie is, article after article about the plot, and heard discussion after discussion about the new Marvel phenomenon. I thought the movie was awesome, but I haven’t seen anyone else talk about my favorite part- or at least the part that hit home most for me personally.

Wonder Woman is trained to be a fighter from a young age. You can see her confidence as well as her skill throughout multiple fighting scenes in the movie. But most incredible to me is how poorly she is fighting when she does meet her enemy near the end. She is being pushed around, knocked into walls- suffering badly compared to the powerhouse she has been throughout her whole life up until then. And you can blame multiple things- maybe she’s literally tired, or he is that much stronger then her… But the key for me came when I realized she was simply fighting in fear.

Her enemy starts by pointing out many lies she did not realize she was taught, and with that, her confidence is chipped some. He is weaving in and out about the “real story” of her birth, of his experience, and the truth of human’s lives. And though he does point out some truth, mostly he is just confusing her with lies and reality altered by his own quest for power. But the blows have been dealt to her psyche- and instead of fighting in the confidence and strength we all know she has, she is half-heartedly throwing blows in fear- questioning herself, her beliefs, and her ability.

And sadly, this is just what the devil does to us in our own lives. Lies to us- giving us half truths about the situations we see, the God we believe in, and the ability we actually possess so that instead of confidently fighting him with the power of God, we are stumbling around in our lives, confused at what the battle is truly about and whether or not we can win. The Father of Lies- who puts enough truth into every topic so that we can’t help but wonder if everything he says might be true. But this was not the way our lives should be or the way Wonder Woman would win as well.

But I love where she stops his crazy speech about the worthlessness of humans and says, “You are right about them, but you are also wrong.” She stops him dead in his tracks and suddenly she isn’t stumbling around and confused. She becomes what I would define as resolute.

Resolute means firm and unwavering; characterized by determination and purpose; unyielding, steadfast, and tenacious. It’s a place that only comes from faith, but the only place we should begin any battle in our lives. Resolute doesn’t mean you can’t see the dire circumstances, that you don’t remember your failures from the past, and it doesn’t mean that you automatically have all the answers. It simply means you are sure in your purpose which is bigger than what you can see.

I identify so much with being pummeled by confusion and lies in life- sometimes I honestly fear that is all my life consists of- problems and pain! But the truth is, you don’t get through those battles by waiting patiently for them to end, sitting around sulking, or stumbling through confusion. You get through those battles by putting your foot down and saying, “No, I refuse to listen to your lies. I am done stumbling in my confusion and limited strength. I choose to believe and stand firmly in the strength God has given me.” And then you watch your enemies fall.

How are you doing standing resolutely in your life battles?

“The wicked man flees though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.” Proverbs 28:1

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