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Tag: burnout

Reducing Numbers of Burned out Providers

The problem with residency is not necessarily the work hours. The hours are grueling for sure. However, the hours are necessary. My second year, the work hour limits were changed- no one was allowed to work more than 24hr shifts anymore. What we found was not that we were more refreshed and rested, but that it made life more complicated.…

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Fame, reputation, and Burnout in Ministry

But honestly, serving God is not about being famous. It’s about the tiny steps and small decisions that we make each day that hopefully take us closer and closer to God. Recognition can become a drug that wedges in between our relationship with him and makes our entire life about working hard enough to force note-worthy awesomeness.

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Burnout in Ministry

Initially, burnout was reserved for those in high stress careers. What I’ve noticed recently is that burnout isn’t just for the Type-A overachieving doctors we assume will suffer from it. The more I’ve interacted and worked with friends in ministry the more I realize it’s not just burnout in medicine– burnout affects the artist, the dreamers, and the servants too.…

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Identifying Burnout in Medicine

So everyone has bad days or even bad months at work, how do you know when it’s actually burnout? One author posed it as a continuum of stress– a dichotomy between stress and eventual burnout. You look for signs indicating struggle now, and make changes to head in a different direction in the future. The symptoms of burnout have been defined as exhaustion, cynicism, and inefficiency…