I’m going to dedicate this month to talking about burnout. I have been kicked out of my career once and burned myself out twice so I pretty much consider myself an expert! (Though I don’t know that that’s really something to brag about.) This time of year for me personally has always been the worst, so I figured it would…
2 CommentsCategory: Medicine
I slammed my fist onto the desk in anger and I responded, exasperated- “I can give you five diagnoses right now but none of that is going to fix your problems. Do you want to be diagnosed with something else or do you want a solution?!” I realized I had just basically yelled at a patient, and sat back to…
1 CommentWe spend our whole lives trying our hardest not to fail at anything in our career, but never seem to put God on that same level of things that cannot be sacrificed. If we put off everything about our relationship with God until “one day”, we put off the very thing that gives us the ability to finish the rest of life.
1 CommentIn college I took an introductory Philosophy class with several hundred other students. Most students did not attend class regularly, but of course, everyone was there for the final which represented the majority of our grade and was rumored to be a very difficult exam. I walked into the room and literally felt like I hit a wall of nerves.…
3 CommentsI watched an incredible movie a few months ago called “Something the Lord made.” It’s based on a true story about these two men that research and create the surgery that now saves thousands of children’s lives every year. Basically, there are a lot of things that can go wrong with a babies heart as it is formed. Any holes…
Leave a CommentWhen was the last time you were overjoyed at your least favorite part of your job? When was the last time you spent marveling at all the incredible things that had to happen in your body for you to read this sentence? When was the last time you sat and enjoyed the boring rather than sat anxiously waiting for something “worthwhile and new?”
4 CommentsThe problem is not that we don’t have enough knowledge of what’s happening in the world, far too often the problem is that we have completely lost the definition of love. We act like love is a feeling that can be switched on, changed, and demanded. True love is refusing to give up on those who don’t always care, don’t understand, and don’t always love you back.
1 CommentLet me clarify- I am not a parent. I would love to be, one day, but still kinda working on the “get married” part of that equation. But oddly enough, for now, part of my job as a pediatrician is to spend all day listening to parents about their parenting problems. What is it exactly that I have to offer…
28 CommentsIn truly awesome music, they’re not faking anything- they’ve completely risked everything- risked being hurt and rejected and having their message misinterpreted and hated but they still poured their soul out- open and bare for everyone to see.
Leave a CommentI saw a magnet one day that said, “Don’t sweat the small stuff. It’s all small stuff.” And it would be really nice if that was true. But working in medicine I know for sure that it’s not.