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Are your resources your business commodity?

Several of my computer programs crashed recently, and I sat with a local businessman at Lemur Technology trying to figure out what I did wrong and how to go forward. Should I avoid certain websites, get a different antivirus, or something else? His recommendation was more general than specific action steps. He said, “Treat your laptop like a vital commodity of your business.” In other words, invest and use it like it is crucial instead of like it is disposable. He explained one business he worked for has him clean their system every single weekend to make sure they are ready to use it on Monday without hindrances. I don’t know about you, but I don’t treat my home laptop like that.

The more I think about it, the more I realize it is like having an inheritance mindset. And having this kind of mindset is a crucial step to succeed in our workplaces. Reading Joshua last week, I was struck by a similar example in Joshua 17:6- “The daughters of the tribe of Manasseh received an inheritance among the sons.”

The book of Joshua describes how the Israelites captured and allotted out the land of Israel. I love this particular passage because women did not get land in this day and age. These five women did not have any brothers in their family, and they had called a forum (Numbers 27) specifically to ask if they could receive land for their family, just like every other family would get. It’s a beautiful lesson we far too often skim over, but it can impact our business and our work in a huge way.

1) Why did they get the land? Because first they asked. Far too often, we dream or strategize or hope for something in our careers, but never actually go to those involved and ask. But an inheritance mindset is confident in themselves enough to ask even if the answer might be no.

2) They received their inheritance. We normally all receive presents and gifts well. But compliments? Advances? Special favors? Needs? I’ve watched pride or fear take people away from some very obvious gifts far too often. We actually have to accept what we are given. But I love that they did, because when you know something is yours and has been worked hard for, you treat it differently.

3) They treated their inheritance like gold. If you get a free t-shirt from the side of the road, you may or may not care if it gets stained or is washed regularly. But how differently would you treat your first car that took you months to save for? An inheritance mindset knows the worth of the items, opportunities, and relationships we have in our lives and treats them as vital. This is exactly what my the businessman above was recommending to me- to treat my computer with the worth it has in my life and for my career goals.

4) They changed to an inheritance mindset. It’s not just about having the gift, but also using it. These women weren’t hanging out on the edge of their field staring at it- they surely learned how to farm, how to cultivate, and how to make it work! They left expectations and fear behind and used wisely what was at their disposal. An inheritance mindset doesn’t just own something, but appropriately re-invests, builds on, and cares for the things that matter most (Matthew 25:13-30).

Because when you know something belongs to you, you treat it differently. You have confidence, assurance in yourself. You call the shots and make the decisions. You plan, dream, and strategize. You daydream of infinite possibilities. And you fight. Fight to win. Fight to make it work. Fight to prove the stereotypes and past expectations wrong. Fight for yourself. And fight for that commodity and that resource that makes it all possible.

Are you thinking of your job or your education like your requirement or your inheritance? Are you treating your resources, even things like your home computer- like a necessity for your business that needs to be carefully monitored and accommodated? Are you settling back and watching someone else do what you were hoping to do? Are you refusing to given up, give in, and settle for less than God has given you?


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